Why Diamonds in an engagement ring?

The circle is a timeless symbol of eternity and power, which has made it one of the most popular motifs in jewellery. The unbreakable stone, a Diamond, combined with this powerful shape, many believes creates an emblem for eternal love - something that will never fade away or come to an end. You might have heard De Beers' famous slogan "A Diamond Is Forever," coined over seventy years ago.

 On Moh's scale of hardness, a Dimond is 10 out of 10, the hardest substance on earth. Formed over billions of years, from pure carbon, the foundation of all life in the world around us, diamonds are very rare and extremely pure.

The allure of diamonds is something that has captivated humans for centuries. Their beauty and strength make them an unbeatable asset. The ancient Greeks called diamonds “adamas,” meaning unbreakable. In Greek mythology gods were wearing or carrying these stones in their most precious possessions because they were so strong. In medieval Europe though people believed these precious stones could bring good luck if worn around your neck as an amulet - so much so even battles were fought with them clasped tightly in hand.


Diamonds are unique in their beauty, strength, and symbolism. They have come to represent many things over the years, but most notably love, strength and invincibility. As long as humans appreciate these qualities, I believe Diamonds will maintain their value in society and keep being the symbol for eternal love.

Karin X


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