Broadway market History

Broadway Market, Pictures by Stuart Goodman

If you're looking for a market that offers a little bit of everything, Broadway Market is the place for you. From fresh produce to handmade crafts, this vibrant East London institution has something for everyone. But what many people don't know is that there's more to Broadway Market than meets the eye.

Broadway Market has been a fixture of East London life for centuries. Originally established as a cattle market in the 13th century, it wasn't until the 19th century that the market began to take on its modern form. Today, Broadway Market is known for its eclectic mix of stalls, which sell everything from fresh produce to vintage clothes.

For many years, the market was one of the most thriving markets in East London. But by being isolated when new shopping habits evolved and the vast supermarkets opened in the 1970's, it suffered the most serious collapse. Only a handful of street-traders remained, selling from their traditionally painted barrows. Loyalty went out of the window when one-stop-shopping replaced individual queuing. Turnover had plummeted and rented shops were abandoned in anticipation of demise. These were no more than temporary coffins, clad in corrugated iron, and waiting for their demise. It was a depressing sight.

After a decade of uncertainty , the GLC proposed to demolish Broadway Market for a ‘motorway-feeder’ route to and from the Blackwall Tunnel. This was an even bigger shock, anticipating a completely divided community with separated family connections. The local residents fought back and won listed buildings status for the market in 1981, which saved it from demolition.

In 2004, thanks to the efforts of shopkeepers Stuart Goodman and Stephen Selby local business owners, that recognised the potential of their surroundings and made a case to the local authorities of saving the market. Thanks to their efforts, the market was saved from extinction and is today once again one of the most popular markets in London, attracting visitors from all over the city and the world.

So next time you're in East London, you must swing by Broadway Market and discover its hidden history for yourself. Who knows, you might just find your new favourite market stall!

Karin X


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